A multidimensional and multilevel measure – the EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index (PHI) – was built to evaluate European population health across regions (NUTS2) and metropolitan areas.
The PHI hat includes 39 indicators considered relevant to evaluate population health at the European level, covering a wide range of indicators of health determinants and health outcomes.
The Atlas synthesizes the outputs of the EURO-HEALTHY project, illustrating which are the most and least healthy regions in European Union, what are the current determinants shaping the future health outcomes of those regions, how the opportunity for good health differs among those regions and how health can be improved. More than 30% (167 millions) of the EU population live in the regions in transition with the poorer PHI. When looking at the within-countries inequality, the EU28 capital regions present systematically better value-scores when compared with other regions in all health determinants. Nevertheless, urban regions struggle with increased rates of recorded crimes and air pollution.